Privacy Policy

Info about cookies

Like most companies, we also use cookies on our website, because we could not provide important features and functionality without them.

A cookie is a small file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. Cookies perform a wide range of functions. Among other things they collect information, remember your preferences, are deployed when online shopping carts are used and in general make it easier for you to use the site.

Cookies are used:

  • to identify and track entries so that you do not have to log on again and again on every page;
  • to facilitate navigation and the use of features to ensure a smooth user experience;
  • to collect statistical information about how our users use our website.

Session cookies

These cookies are needed to allow you to browse our site and use its features, e.g. the function of remembering the operations you performed on a particular page in a session. These cookies are only valid during your current session, and they are automatically deleted from your computer at the end of your session or when you close the browser.

Please keep in mind that without using these cookies you may not be able to use our website.

Functionality cookies

These cookies enable us to store the choices you make when visiting our website, e.g. the identifiers you enter when you log on.

Performance cookies

We also use cookies that enable us to collect information with regard to how you use our website. These cookies cannot identify you personally. They only collect information such as what pages you have viewed, which parts of the webpages you have clicked on, how many pages you have visited, how long the viewing time was per session, what potential error messages there have been etc. All this serves the purpose of improving our website.

Google Analytics cookies are also such performance cookies. You can find more information on Google Analytics cookies here.

How to control and how to enable/disable cookies?

All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically, by default, but these settings can be changed.

Please note that since cookies are intended to enhance or enable usability and site processes, disabling or deleting cookies may prevent you from using certain features and may result in our site working differently in your browser than intended.