“20 yrs – 20 k” – EU run

Hungary has been a member of the European Union for 20 years.
Run with us 20 kilometres, or 3×6.7 in relay, at the Europe Day Festival in Budapest on 12 May 2024!

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required.

In 2024, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hungary becoming a member of the European Union.
For this reason, along the route images of 20 emblematic EU funded projects will be displayed, one from each of the 19 counties and one from the capital.

The run will start at 10am on Sunday, 12 May 2024 from the race headquarters in Szabadság Square.
The 20 k course can be completed by solo runners (3 laps) or relay teams of two (2×1 lap + 1 lap) or three (3×1 lap). The first members of the relay teams are allowed to continue running after passing off the baton and complete the second and third lap. Their results will be evaluated among the solo runners, as well.
Runners completing the course will receive a unique medal and a finisher’s pack, and can participate in the post-race raffle, where 15 valuable prizes will be raffled off.
The maximum number of runners allowed to participate in the event is 2,000 in the individual category and 700 teams in the relay category.
You can cancel your registration or transfer it to another runner until 5pm on 6 May 2024 on our website.
The “20 yrs – 20 k” – EU run is also an official point gathering event of the Ötpróba (pentathlon) series. Participants gather 3 points by completing 3 laps, 2 points by completing 2 laps, and 1 point by completing 1 lap.
The run is organised by the European Commission Representation in Hungary and the European Parliament Liaison Office, in co-operation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development as supervisor of the Széchenyi 2020 programme and the Municipality of Budapest. The professional organiser of the race is the Nagy Sportágválasztó, BBU Nonprofit Kft.

Collection of race numbers, T-shirts and relay batons:

From 11am to 7pm on 7-10 May 2024 at Európa Pont at the following address: 35 Lövőház Street, 1024 Budapest;
From 7am to 9am on 12 May 2024 in the race headquarters in Szabadság Square.
Please note that there will be no further opportunities to pick up race numbers, T-shirts and relay batons outside of these periods. As thousands of runners are expected to participate in the event, we urge you not to leave collecting your race number to the very last minute.

All successful finishers taking part in the raffle have the chance to win the following items:

smart watches

EU funded projects

In 2024, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hungary becoming a member of the European Union. For this reason, along the route images of 20 emblematic EU funded projects will be displayed, one from each of the 19 counties and one from the capital.

Stay with us on Europe Day even after the race – join in our raffle and enjoy the wide variety of concerts, family and children’s programmes and EU infotainment activities.

The programme of Europe Day events is available on the website of the European Commission Representation in Hungary and on Facebook.