Improving the living conditions of the segregated community in Siklós

In less than a year, the Váralja street in Siklós and the surrounding neighbourhood were completely rehabilitated. The project aimed to improve the living conditions and social integration of residents in an area at risk of segregation. As a result of the development, the Váralja street has been completely transformed and municipal housing units have been substantially modernised. The project comprised renovation of the green spaces, building an open public space and playground in the area, increasing public safety by installing surveillance cameras, installing missing drainage systems, repairing pavement on the roads and creating new parking spaces. The municipality sees the project as a successful solution to a growing problem that has existed for several decades. As one of the largest investments implemented in the county recently, the successful project has resulted in a fully renovated street, making Siklós an open and inclusive city, while increasing its attractiveness for tourists at the same time.


Project title:   Siklós – Rehabilitation of the segregated Váralja neighbourhood

Beneficiary: Municipality of Siklós

Total project cost: HUF 761.625.058

EU co-funding: HUF 643.063.292 (European Regional Development Fund)