Carrying out complex health screening programmes

The overall long-term objective of this flagship project is to reduce the risk of mortality preventable by screening tests, to improve public health awareness and to review and improve the health screening systems. To achieve these, the regulatory framework for screening tests was developed, the targeted public health tests (breast cancer screening, cervical and colorectal screening) were further improved, and general practitioners, nurses, assistants and pharmacists received free training. In order to encourage people to participate in screening, an awareness-raising campaign promoted healthy life habits. The project also contributed to setting up a comprehensive, integrated screening regulatory system and an IT system supporting public health screening.


Project title: Complex public health screenings

Beneficiary: National Centre for Public Health and Pharmacy

Total project cost: HUF 16.663.766.106

EU co-funding: HRDOP-1-9 914 940 845 HUF (European Social Fund)

EU co-funding: CCHOP-7-2 499 564 925 HUF (European Social Fund)