Development of a multifunctional community centre in Szekszárd

The Agora programme supported the renovation of the Mihály Babits Cultural Centre and the House of Arts, creating Szekszárd’s largest cultural institution. Thanks to the refurbishment, theatre productions that the institution has been unable to host for technical reasons so far will now be available to the public. The cultural centre provides a venue for small, medium and large scale group activities, and offers multifunctional conference, theatre and concert venues, as well as educational and exhibition spaces, thus expanding the city’s cultural potential. The heating and lighting system of the building have also been modernised, leading to considerable improvements in energy efficiency. The project also included the creation of green spaces and parks around the building. The renovated city centre and the community centre are today the pride of the citizens of Szekszárd.


Project title: “Agora Szekszárd” – Creation of a multifunctional community centre for the Mihály Babits Cultural Centre and House of Arts

Beneficiary: Municipality of Szekszárd

Total project cost: HUF 2.144.435.121

EU co-funding: HUF 1.806.652.466 (European Regional Development Fund)