Race Rules

1. General rules

1.1. The route of the run will be secured by the police, civil guards and the organisers.

Crossing at junctions of roads of equal importance, at junctions marked by traffic signs and at junctions controlled by traffic lights will be secured by the police and by civil guards. Runners must always comply with the instructions of the police, the civil guards and the organisers.

The route of the race will not be fully closed to traffic, therefore each runner must keep to the designated route at all times.

At junctions and pedestrian crossings traffic will be stopped while runners pass through. Cones will be placed out on pavements and bicycle paths to assist the runners to proceed.

The lead vehicle will drive ahead of the front runners. The route will be secured between the lead vehicle in the front and the sweep vehicle at the rear.

1.2. Participants must wear their assigned race numbers on the front of their shirt/vest/top. It is forbidden to reduce the size of the race number, to bend, twist or fold it, to cover parts of it, or to place additional text or logos on it. When securing your race numbers in place, make sure that the timing chip attached to its backside is not damaged by the safety pin.

All participants in the individual race must be born before 11th May 2012 (thirteen years or older) while in the relay race before 11th May 2017 (eight years or older).

Runners are not permitted to be accompanied by anyone (runners, cyclists etc.) or by dogs.

For the safety of the runners the use of earphones is allowed in one ear only.

1.3. Refreshment points

Lap Refreshment point Distance from the start
1st lap 1. Refreshment point 3.2 k
2. Refreshment point 7 k
2nd lap 1. Refreshment point 10.3 k
2. Refreshment point 14 k
3rd lap 1. Refreshment point 17.3 k
Finish Refreshment point at the finish line 21 k


1.4. Medical assistance will be provided by ambulance and medical staff at the start and the finish and by mobile medical personnel on motorcycles throughout the course.

1.5. During the race we will use chip (net) timing. In the case of solo runners the timing chip is attached to the back of the race number, while in the case of relay runners it is located inside the baton. Timing chips must be handled with care to avoid damage. The relay batons can be collected together with the race numbers and the T-shirts. The last runners of the relay teams must hand in the relay batons to the race marshals after crossing the finishing line.

1.6. Runners who need to retire from the race must take off their race numbers and notify the nearest race marshal of their decision.

2. Other rules

2.1. In all cases throughout the race the Organizing Committee decides on issues arising in connection with the rules of the race and the results.

2.2. By entering the race and collecting the race number all competitors:

  • declare that they participate in the race at their own risk,
  • declare that they are in good health and have no knowledge of any kind of illness or medical condition that would prevent them from participating in the race,
  • consent to being captured in audiovisual recordings or photographs taken of the race, which can be used – without remuneration – in audiovisual, printed, electronic and other publications about the event,
  • acknowledge that those who fail to complete the race, who run without a race number and who are found to be in breach of the race rules will be disqualified,
  • give permission to the organizer and its partners to use their images free of charge as part of the event’s audiovisual recording, photos, online, print or other communication materials,
  • give permission to the European Commission Representation in Hungary to use free of charge their images uploaded to the running race’s Facebook event in the related online, print or other communication materials,
  • give permission to the organizer and its partners to list their names and race results on the website.

2.3 Time limit for completing the race

  • The organizing committee sets a time limit for the entire competition (3 laps = 21 k) and for completing 2 laps (14 k)
  • Individual participants and relay teams must not start the third lap if they don’t finish the first two laps in 2 hours.
  • The time limit for 21 k is 3 hours. Participants who exceed the time limit may not be eligible for finishing medal and refreshment package.
  • A cyclist will go behind the racers at the speed of the minimum time limit (7,5 k/h) to help the participants choosing the right pace.

On-site commercial or advertising activities are not permitted.

We do not provide transportation of people or bicycles or safekeeping of the personal belongings of the participants during the race.