Up-to-date education in vocational training centres

The Innovative Training Support Centre implemented its project at nine sites in Hungary, including the Győr Vocational Training Centre. In order to support the digital transition, in this vocational training centre(considered among the best in Hungary) the students learn up-to-date skills thanks to ten modern training tools that simulate production processes. The tools prepare students for the application of digital technology through eight types of manufacturing technology simulations. Computer-controlled systems provide information on the functioning of state-of-the-art factories to future skilled workers. The machines effectively support training in IT-mechatronics, demonstrating the whole manufacturing process up until to the storage phase. The project focused on the creation of Sectoral Training Centres and Accredited Examination Centres, providing them with a methodological basis and establishing their operational organisation. The project’s goal is to ensure that Vocational Training 4.0 provides a suitable supply of specialists to match the objectives of Industry 4.0. Trainings that provide marketable skills and are adapted to the functioning of digital economy platforms contribute greatly to the competitiveness of Hungary.


Project title: Innovative trainings to support the upgrade of the economy

Beneficiary: IKK Innovative Training Support Centre Private Limited Company

Total project cost: HUF 10.941.000.000

EU co-funding: EDIOP-6-8 372 293 890 HUF (European Social Fund)

EU co-funding: CCHOP-8-782 303 320 HUF (European Social Fund)