Complex family support schemes – Babócsa

The Municipality of Babócsa implemented a local needs-based programme to increase the chances of inclusion of disadvantaged and multiply disadvantaged young children. The ‘Sure Start Children’s House’ was created to provide support to families in disadvantaged socio-cultural situation in raising their children, developing their abilities and preparing them for kindergarten. The beneficiaries of the Children’s House services are not only the children, but the entire family. The services provide a model for the social and mental development of families. The jointly created programmes involve parents and provide practical guidance, forming a supportive and cohesive community. The equipment, toys and programmes of the Children’s House make it easier for children to integrate into pre-school life and facilitate cooperation with their parents.


Project title: The chances of our children – Sure Start Children’s House at Babócsa

Beneficiary: Municipality of Babócsa

Total project cost: HUF 40.000.000

EU co-funding: HUF 33.999.992 (European Social Fund)